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Rumah Peranginan Persekutuan
Sistem Bersepadu BPH
Complaints & Feedback

Complaints can be obtained through:

  • SisPintar System
  • Newspapers
  • SMS
  • Phone calls
  • Public Complaints Bureau
  • Complaint Form
Getting feedback on the complaint from the relevant unit to draft the response and obtaining approval from the Secretary of the Division (SUB). After approval, the response is sent to the involved newspaper.
The time taken to resolve a complaint received depends on the problem faced, for example:
  • Regarding quarters status (1-3 days)
  • Damage (depending on the severity of the damage)
  • Violation of quarters occupancy instructions (1-5 days)
  • Regarding Vacation Houses (1-3 days)
Among the information that will be disclosed via email are activities related to Quarters Promotion or activities involving the Property Management Division with Quarters Occupants or government servant.
Property Management Division
Prime Minister’s Department

Perkhidmatan kami menyediakan maklumat atau arahan yang tepat dan mudah difahami.

5 - Sangat Setuju; 1 - Sangat Tidak Setuju

Perkhidmatan ini memberikan maklum balas yang cepat kepada saya.

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Panduan pengguna mudah difahami dan membantu saya dalam perkhidmatan ini

5 - Sangat Setuju; 1 - Sangat Tidak Setuju

Susun atur dan paparan pada setiap halaman menarik dan mesra pelanggan

5 - Sangat Setuju; 1 - Sangat Tidak Setuju

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